I struggled, a lot.
Saturday, October 6th 2018.
07:45 AM
I sided the curtain of my window, then effortlessly opened up both of my crack windows. A fresh air and a small sun shines came into my room. Breathed in, breathed out. I tried to calm myself down from last night, yeah, I cried again. With the same reason. A thesis.
I asked myself, why I'm so freaking stupid. I couldn't think that much. I couldn't think out of the box. How can I solve all these problems which are messed up. Until the thesis proposal project came. I exploded.
I looked at my friends, compared to them, which is wrong. I mean, myself, and what I did is wrong. It was triggering me a lot.
How can people did it so easily meanwhile I'm struggling a lot?
Am not capable of anything?
Ga qaqa, pikiran qaqa aja yang seperti itu. Aslinya, masih banyak kelebihan yang qaqa punya kok ^^